Code does not compile in C++11


Viewed 61 times


I have a common code, more specifically the following:

#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Keyboard.hpp>

namespace thread
    void check_key(sf::Keyboard::Key key)

int main()
    sf::Thread keycheck(&thread::check_key, sf::Keyboard::Escape);
        std::cout << "Hello! ";

And when I compile in Code::Blocks, with SFML 2.0’s Wizzard, it works correctly (comes out when ESC tightens). I went to change the sf::Thread for std::thread of course: I first activated C++11. Just to see if it ran, I tried to compile. Mingw returned several errors, for example, ::diftime and other entities only of <ctime>. What should I do?

  • Can you give more details about the error? And which compiler are you using? I’ve seen some versions of gcc (mainly the ones before 4.8.0) that made a lot of mistakes with C++11.

  • @Lucasnunes GCC (Mingw) 4.8.1. I found that the problem is not SFML, but actually the <ctime> + C++11.

1 answer


The problem was probably a corrupted file. The solution is to uninstall the compiler and install it again.

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