I have two databases, the first one has about 30,000 lines the second 571.
I need to filter the first with two conditions from the second bank.
Condition A: fctr be ==
Condition B: date <=
I tried to make it a double but it didn’t work.
df1 = c(col1(a,a,a,b,b,b,b,c,c),col2("10/02", "15/02", "14/03", "05/03", "07/03", "15/03", "20/03", "12/03", "15/03"))
df2 = c(col1(a,b,c), col2("15/02", "15/03", "15/03"))
I need something like:
filter(df1, col1 == [i]df2.col1 & col2 <= [i]df2.col2)
Does anyone have any idea how I can do that?
You could provide a playable example? LINK But, a priori, I think your df should have the same amount of lines to carry out the action the way you envisioned.
– bbiasi
Are you trying to create several tables or just one? Try to clarify the goal, please. And take a look at those that end with dlpyr _Join that might help you compare the two tables.
– Jorge Mendes
Rafael, the code you posted is not reproducible. Check.
– neves