Merge 2 PDF into 1 MVC


Viewed 37 times


I have 2 pdfs files and want to join the 2 in one file only, my method is as follows:

public async Task<FileResult> Teste(int id)
            var objRelatorioTecnicoData = RetornoTecnicoAssinanteDataById(id);

            var modelPdf = MapperService.MapAsync<IncluirRelatorioTecnicoPdf>(objRelatorioTecnicoData).Result;
            await PreencherUfsMunicipiosPdf(modelPdf);
            modelPdf.TemAutoTermo = modelPdf.AutoTermos.Count > 0;
            modelPdf.DataPublicacao = objRelatorioTecnicoData.DataPublicacao.ToShortDateString();

            const string contentType = "application/pdf";
            byte[] fileBytes = GerarPdf(objRelatorioTecnicoData, modelPdf);
            var numRelatorio = string.Empty;
            var length = fileBytes.Length;
            Array.Resize(ref fileBytes, fileBytes.Length + objRelatorioTecnicoData.DoctArquivo.Length);
            for(int i = 0; i< objRelatorioTecnicoData.DoctArquivo.Length; i++)
                var count = (length + i);
                fileBytes[count] = objRelatorioTecnicoData.DoctArquivo[i];

            if (objRelatorioTecnicoData != null)
                numRelatorio = objRelatorioTecnicoData.NumeroRelatorio;
            return File(fileBytes, contentType, "Relatoriotecnico_" + numRelatorio + ".pdf");

However he prints only the 2nd pdf, I’ve done it in several ways and I couldn’t put the 2 together, someone has some solution to help me?

Thanks in advance.

  • in this code has no information about combining two pdfs, explains better by kindness

  • has, the first is p fileBytes, the second is the objRelatorioTecnicoData.Doctarfile, the filebytes generates the first pdf correctly, the objRelatorioTecnicoData.Doctarfile generates the second pdf correctly, but I cannot join the 2.

  • already tried to start at last, I put filebytes,length, but error.

  • guy I guess you can’t just combine the bytes, try to see some lib like itextsharp

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