Can anyone assist in a resolution of a C code?


Viewed 241 times


Next guys, I’m studying and I’m Beginner, and I have this resolution to solve and I’m having a hard time... I have to use scanf("%[^\n]%*c", s), where s is an array of char... The code must read two terminal data, a character set (up to 100 characters) and an integer value and display them in the console.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char s[100];

    scanf("%[^\n]%*c", s);
    return 0;

The code is like the one I put in, I got him to read the data, in case nome and 3 by default, why the user does not need to type, plus the part of the scanf I can’t.

The data entry has to be typed in the same code ta alie above, because the parts of the printf ta right.



Output expected one below the other so but the exit does not automatic that...



2 answers


Simple task.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  int numero;
  char nome[100];


  printf("* digite nome: ");
  scanf("%99[^\n]", nome);

  printf("* digite numero: ");
  scanf("%d", &numero);


  printf("* nome digitado: [%s]\n", nome);
  printf("* numero digitado: [%d]\n", numero);


  return 0;

Compilation and testing on Linux:

$cc 397063.c

$mv a.out 397063

* digite nome: aaa bbb
* digite numero: 123
* nome digitado: [aaa bbb]
* numero digitado: [123]



Would that be ?

int main(void){
  char s[100];
  int numero; 

printf("Entre com o numero:");

scanf("%d", &numero);

printf("Entre com os caracteres:");

scanf(" %99[^\n]", s);

printf("%s", s);

printf("\n %d",numero);

return 0;

  • int main() { char s[100]; printf("name n"); printf("3"); scanf(" %[ n]", s); Return 0; } is type so bro, only I don’t know how to display the same value later with scanf

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