What is the difference between the types of WCF projects?


Viewed 525 times


What are the differences between the various types of WCF design:

  • WCF Service Library;
  • WCF Service Application;
  • WCF Workflow Service Application;
  • Syndication Service Library;

1 answer



WCF Service Application

Creates a preconfigured WCF application to be hosted on IIS.

WCF Service Library

Create a WCF application that will be added as a reference for use in another project and you should set up your hosting. It is a compiled component that can be used by other applications such as a Web, Console or Windows service.

I found a article (content in English) describing more detailed information about the difference between WCF Service Application and WCF Service Library. The others I haven’t used yet, take a look at the links (content in English) to see if it helps you:

WCF Workflow Service Application

Create a WCF application based on Workflows. Scenario where a service relies on other external services where these calls may be long-term (Linqref1 / Linqref2).

Syndication Service Library

Provides support for exposing syndication feeds through a WCF service. For example, you have a bug database that you want to expose through feeds. You can create a WCF service that exposes a method called Bugsdaapplication. This method has a parameter that specifies the email address of the person who will receive the information. A customer of your service can use the following URL to call the operation: http://server/bugs/bugsDaAplicacao?user=fulano (Linqref1 / Linqref2).

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