How to detect screen width smaller than height with CSS?


Viewed 145 times


I have a div with position: fixed which occupies the entire screen and which is only displayed when the width of the screen is less than the height. With Javascript I can do this check and show or hide this div according to the above criteria, ie, screen width < height. This is to force the user to use the device in horizontal orientation (Landscape) on a specific page:

window.onresize = window.onload = function(){
   if(this.innerWidth < this.innerHeight){
      document.getElementById("aviso").style.display = "flex";
      document.getElementById("aviso").style.display = "none";
   margin: 0;

   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0;
   display: none;
   align-items: center;
   justify-content: center;
   background: black;
   color: white;

#aviso strong{
   text-align: center;
<div id="aviso">
  <strong>Use o dispositivo na orientação horizontal!</strong>
<div id="main">

When executing the above code and reducing the width of the screen until it is less than the height, the div #aviso is displayed above the page content with the warning in bold.

It is possible to do the same thing using the media queries or any specific CSS function? That is, there is some way to check when the width of the screen is smaller than its height only with CSS and change the property display of the div #aviso?

  • 4

    @media screen and (orientation:portrait) { … } @media screen and (orientation:landscape) { … }

1 answer


Testing with the @media portrait / landscape i achieves this result, note that there is no pixel measurement, only the orientation of the device

The orientation CSS media Feature can be used to test the orientation of the viewport.

Translation: "The guidance CSS media feature can be used to test the orientation of the viewport."


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

@media (orientation: landscape) {
    #aviso {
        display: none;
    #main {
        display: block;
@media (orientation: portrait) {
    #aviso {
        display: block;
    #main {
        display: none;
<div id="aviso">
    <strong>Use o dispositivo na orientação horizontal!</strong>
<div id="main">

OBS: Important... Opening the virtual keyboard on multiple devices in portrait orientation will make the preview window wider than high, causing the browser to use landscape styles instead of portrait.

A Curiosity: In Chrome at least the perfect 1:1 square, (e.g. 1000px x 1000px) is understood as portrait and its CSS naturally prevails.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Mass! But can’t use just a media query? Like, whatever’s out is the default?

  • @yes yes my dear, just put "completion" for didactic purposes. The default is to show the content "horizontal" imagine. So he would be out of @media Landscape, and you would make a rule just to portrait

  • 1

    Boto faith! Thanks! It will serve a lot of reference the answer.

  • @Sam looks at Edit with the OBS that I made... not everything is flowers too...

  • 1

    Ixi! I hadn’t thought about it. I’ll have to go after a gambit to ignore the keyboard. It’s us!

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