Error in converting text file with nodes into AVL to be used in graphical interface


Viewed 46 times


The idea of generating the graphical interface will be through a python file so I have to generate a text file in the following format:

4  [2] [6]
2 [1]  [3]
6  [5] [8] 
1  [] []
3  []  [] 
5  [] []                 
8  [7] [9] 
7 []  [] 
9 []  []

Well, with that we have to do the job savetofile. She’s making the following mistakes: error: cannot find symbol
    if (ptraiz==0) return;
  symbol:   variable ptraiz
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
    LinkedList<nd> list = new LinkedList<nd>();
  symbol:   class nd
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
    LinkedList<nd> list = new LinkedList<nd>();
  symbol:   class nd
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable ptraiz
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
        while (!fila.empty()) {
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
            nd q = fila.front();
  symbol:   class nd
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
            nd q = fila.front();
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable fila
  location: class AvlTree
11 errors

someone could help

 import java.util.*;
 public class AvlTree {  
       private AvlNode root = null;  

       public AvlTree( ) {  
           root = null;  

       public void clear() {  
           root = null;  
       public boolean isEmpty() {  
           return root == null;  

       public AvlNode getRootNode (){  
           return root;  

       /** Retorna a altura da árvore */  
       private static int height( AvlNode t ) {  
           return t == null ? -1 : t.height;  

        * Retorna o maior valor ente lhs e rhs. 
       private static int max( int lhs, int rhs ) {  
           return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;  

       /** Retorna o fator de balanceamento da árvore com raiz t */   
       private int getFactor (AvlNode t) {  
           return height( t.left ) - height( t.right );  

       public boolean insert (int x) {  
           root = insert (x, root);  
           return true;  

       private AvlNode insert (int x, AvlNode t) {  
           if( t == null )  
               t = new AvlNode( x, null, null );  
           else if( x<t.key ) t.left = insert( x, t.left );  
           else if( x>t.key) t.right = insert( x, t.right );  
           t = balance (t);  
           return t;  

       public AvlNode balance (AvlNode t) {  
           if ( getFactor(t) == 2 ) {  
                   if (getFactor (t.left)>0) t = doRightRotation( t );  
                   else t = doDoubleRightRotation( t );  
           else if ( getFactor(t) == -2 ) {  
                   if ( getFactor(t.right)<0 ) t = doLeftRotation( t );  
                   else t = doDoubleLeftRotation( t );  
           t.height = max( height( t.left ), height( t.right ) ) + 1;  
           return t;  

       /** Faz Rotação simples a direita */  
       private static AvlNode doRightRotation( AvlNode k2 ) {  
           AvlNode k1 = k2.left;  
           k2.left = k1.right;  
           k1.right = k2;  
           k2.height = max( height( k2.left ), height( k2.right ) ) + 1;  
           k1.height = max( height( k1.left ), k2.height ) + 1;  
           return k1;  

       /** Rotação simples à esquerda */  
       private static AvlNode doLeftRotation( AvlNode k1 ) {  
           AvlNode k2 = k1.right;  
           k1.right = k2.left;  
           k2.left = k1;  
           k1.height = max( height( k1.left ), height( k1.right ) ) + 1;  
           k2.height = max( height( k2.right ), k1.height ) + 1;  
           return k2;  

       /** Rotação dupla à direita */  
       private static AvlNode doDoubleRightRotation( AvlNode k3 ) {  
           k3.left = doLeftRotation( k3.left );  
           return doRightRotation( k3 );  

       /** Rotação dupla à esquerda */  
       private static AvlNode doDoubleLeftRotation( AvlNode k1 ) {  
           k1.right = doRightRotation( k1.right );  
           return doLeftRotation( k1 );  

       public AvlNode search(int el) {  
           return search(root,el);  
       protected AvlNode search(AvlNode p, int el) {  
           while (p != null) {  
               /* se valor procuradp == chave do nó retorna referência ao nó */   
               if (el==p.key) return p;  
               /* se valor procurado < chave do nó, procurar na sub-árvore esquerda deste nó */  
               else if (el<p.key) p = p.left;  
               /* se valor procurado > chave do nó, procurar na sub-árvore direita deste nó */  
               else p = p.right;  
           // caso chave não foi achada, retorna null  
           return null;  

       public void inorder() {  
       protected void inorder(AvlNode p) {  
           if (p != null) {  
                System.out.print(p.key+" - ");  

       public void preorder() {  
       protected void preorder(AvlNode p) {  
           if (p != null) {  
                System.out.print(p.key + " ");  

       public void postorder() {  

       protected void postorder(AvlNode p) {  
           if (p != null) {  
                System.out.print(p.key + " ");  

   protected AvlNode searchFather (int el) {  
       AvlNode p = root;  
       AvlNode prev = null;  
       while (p != null && !(p.key==el)) {  // acha o nó p com a chave el  
           prev = p;                             
           if (p.key<el)  
                 p = p.right;  
           else p = p.left;  
       if (p!=null && p.key==el) return prev;  
       return null;  

   /* método de autoria de Leonardo Zandoná - 2006/2 */  
   public void displayTree() {  
    if (isEmpty()){  
        System.out.println("Árvore vazia!");  
    String separator = String.valueOf("  |__");  
    displaySubTree(root.left,  separator);  
    displaySubTree(root.right, separator);  
private void displaySubTree(AvlNode node, String separator) {  

    if (node != null) {  

        AvlNode father = this.searchFather(node.key);  
        if (node.equals(father.left) == true) {  
            System.out.println(separator+node.key+"("+node.height+")"+" (ESQ)");  
            System.out.println(separator+node.key+"("+node.height+")"+" (DIR)");  
        displaySubTree(node.left,  "     "+separator);  
        displaySubTree(node.right, "     "+separator);  

         public void savetofile(OutputStream fnome) {
    if (ptraiz==0) return;

    LinkedList<nd> list = new LinkedList<nd>();

   //     ofstream out(fnome);
    //    fnome= new FileOutputStream("saida.txt");
        OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fnome);
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw);
        while (!fila.empty()) {
            nd q = fila.front();
              bw.write(q.chave +" ");
            if ( != 0) {
                bw.write(" ["  +"] ");
            } else
            bw.write(" [] ");
            if (q.dir != 0) {
                bw.write(" ["+q.dir.chave+"] ");
            } else
                    bw.write(" [] ");

1 answer


The error message cannot find symbol means that you tried to access a variable that was not defined anywhere. Or a parameter, or a type. In your case, there are 3 names that the program failed to solve: nd, fila and ptraiz.

nd If I’m not mistaken, it’s a class, right? Aside from going against the Java convention to create classes started in lower case (it is harder to know that it is a class), your problem must be that you have defined the class nd in another file (probably but forgot to import it in his (which must be in a different package, by the way). If is in the package meu.pacote import it this way in the

import meu.pacote.nd;

If it is in any package (i.e. in the default package/default), then maybe it can’t be imported, and you’ll have to put it in a package.

As to fila and ptraiz, make sure that these variables are accessible to your method in AvlTree (passing them as argument pro method, or including them among the object instance variables).

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