Decode in full select


Viewed 487 times


It is possible to perform a Decode in a select that returns all data from a table and some from other tables?

In this select, I would like to make a Decode for one of the columns of PP (pedido_peca), but as it makes a full search I do not know if it is possible and if possible, I do not know how.

For example: Decode (cd_group, 1, Peca, 2, Accessory, null) 'Column of the requested table_peca in which I want to perform the Decode.

SELECT pp.*,
       (g.dt_entrada + 30) as dt_vencimento,
       (select w.nm_perfil2
          from workflow w
         where w.id_processo = 7
           and w.cd_laudo = pp.id_status) as ds_status,
       conc.nu_cnpj || ' - ' || conc.sg_concessionario || ' - ' ||
       conc.nm_concessionario || ' - ' || conc.nm_cidade || ' - ' ||
       conc.sg_uf as sg_nm_concessionario,
       (select count(1)
          from ivv
         where dt_exclusao is null
           and nu_chassi = pp.ds_custom01
           and dt_limite_garantia > pp.dt_pedido) as ic_tem_garantia
  FROM pedido_peca pp
  left join garantia g
    on pp.nu_sg = g.nu_sg, concessionario conc
 WHERE pp.dt_exclusao is null
   and conc.dt_exclusao is null
   and g.dt_exclusao is null
   and pp.cd_concessionario = conc.id_concessionario
   and pp.id_pedido = 50360
   and pp.cd_concessionario = 5 

Here is the code in VB.NET that will return this select above.


        'Obtem Pedido
        sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder
        sb.Append(" SELECT ")
        sb.Append(" pp.*, ")
        sb.Append(" g.nu_ordem_servico, ")
        sb.Append(" g.dt_entrada, ")
        sb.Append(" (g.dt_entrada + 30) as dt_vencimento, ")
        sb.Append(" (select w.nm_perfil" & idPerfil & "  from workflow w where w.id_processo=7 and w.cd_laudo=pp.id_status) as ds_status, ")
        sb.Append(" conc.nu_cnpj ||' - '|| conc.sg_concessionario ||' - '|| conc.nm_concessionario ||' - '|| conc.nm_cidade ||' - '|| conc.sg_uf as sg_nm_concessionario, ")
        sb.Append(" (select count(1) from ivv where dt_exclusao is null and nu_chassi = pp.ds_custom01 and dt_limite_garantia > pp.dt_pedido) as ic_tem_garantia ")
        sb.Append(" FROM  pedido_peca pp left join garantia g on pp.nu_sg = g.nu_sg, concessionario conc ")
        sb.Append(" WHERE  ")
        sb.Append(" pp.dt_exclusao is null and ")
        sb.Append(" conc.dt_exclusao is null and ")
        sb.Append(" g.dt_exclusao is null and ")
        sb.Append(" pp.cd_concessionario = conc.id_concessionario and ")
        sb.Append(" pp.id_pedido = " & idPedido.ToString)

        If HttpContext.Current.Session("nivelusuario") > 10 Then

            sb.Append(" and pp.cd_concessionario = " & HttpContext.Current.Session("concessionario"))

        End If

        cfg.Fill(ds.Tables("Pedido"), sb.ToString)
  • Are the speakers the same type? If yes, the Decode syntax is an IF THEN ELSE then it should have a maximum of 3 parameters and you passed 6. It can explain the real condition of Decode including fields and condition for evaluation?

  • The syntax of DECODE is limited to the more flexible CASE, thought to use CASE ?

  • @Caputo Which columns ? Because in Decode I am referring to only one column, in which is the pp.cd_group of type varchar2. My intention is to make this column if the value is 1 bring the result Part and case value 2 return Accessory.

  • @Motta I made an attempt with CASE, but I found the same problem. When performing the CASE instead of bringing the expected result, an extra column is added with the CASE result, just like when I do the DECODE.

1 answer


Your DECODE syntax is right, the quotes are missing from the text. I’ve set an example in sqlFiddle to validate

    cdGrupo INTEGER,
    TextoGrupo VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO grupo (cdGrupo, TextoGrupo) VALUES (1, 'Teste');
INSERT INTO grupo (cdGrupo, TextoGrupo) VALUES (2, 'Teste 2');
INSERT INTO grupo (cdGrupo, TextoGrupo) VALUES (3, 'Teste 3');
INSERT INTO grupo (cdGrupo, TextoGrupo) VALUES (4, 'Teste 4');

         1, 'Peça',
         2, 'Acessorio',
         3, 'Outra coisa',
         'Indefinido') As Tipo


Teste      |    1       |   Peça
Teste 2    |    2       |   Acessorio
Teste 3    |    3       |   Outra coisa
Teste 4    |    4       |   Indefinido


  • 1

    It worked, Thanks! .

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