the SELECT element is "taking" the height property of a file. css . But Inputs "use" this same property of another css file ( which is the ideal file). And with this the height of the SELECT is smaller than the text inserted in the component :
In the image the item 1 , SELECT is below the height of the letter ( is cutting the text )
Item 2 is SELECT - class form-control
Item 3 shows that the height property is not being used there in the css file
Item 4 shows where the height property is being searched.
When I uncheck the height of item 4, then the component gets the height OK.
How do I use the height property of the correct css file? And why does this happen ?
Dbaalone , Thank you ! Can you tell me why only the SELECT element was "using" the property of another file ? The inputs used the correct file.
– Rogerio Rios
So they come with presets of HTML5 & CSS3 understand? ai it adopts some forms, as for example, when you start a file/ project, it is nomal you reset the padding and the margin understood?
– DbaAlone
If my answer has helped or solved, could confirm and paste as solved the problem...
– DbaAlone
Yes, Dbaalone, solved and I had marked that "V' to the left ...blz. Thank you
– Rogerio Rios