Print settlement document


Viewed 94 times


Good afternoon,

I have the following data :

Filial As String, Serie As String, Tipodoc As String, NumDoc As Long

And I wanted to print the document via . net, the point is that it is a settlement document and there is no BSO.Comercial.Liquidacoes.ImprimeDocumento as exists for sales and purchases.

How can I print using something similar?

1 answer


The only way to print the document is to initialize the print as in the case of sales documents. That is using the document printing API Plataforma.Mapas.ImprimeListagem(). Before that it is necessary to initialize the context of the map, typically are the company data and Selection Formula which will restrict the data and which in this case is the natural key of the document, in this case Tipodoc, Serie, Numdoc.

Git has an example sales document.

  • Yes, I opted for this solution since there is not a Printedocumento() for this type of Docs.

  • Good morning. Maybe this will help: Dim dt As Itesbs100.Itesbs dt = New Itesbs100.Itesbs dt.Documents.Imprimedocumento(...)

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