Update Cdus from coin table


Viewed 80 times


I am developing an application to integrate with Spring ERP V9 and when for the currency table/object and I cannot update the Cdus by the following code.

if (currencyId != 0)
     currency.EmModoEdicao = true;

     var fieldToUpdate = new StdBECampos();

     //Update the CDU_Portal 
     fieldToUpdate.Insere(new StdBECampo { Nome = "CDU_Portal", Valor = 0 

//Update with data Id on procu4U. 
fieldToUpdate.Insere(new StdBECampo { Nome = "CDU_procu4U_entityId", Valor = currencyId });

                                        PriEngine.Engine.Comercial.Moedas.ActualizaValorAtributos(currencyCode, fieldToUpdate);

I can do it with the same instructions for the drives table. Does anyone know how I can get past it? Thank you!

1 answer


Good afternoon, This can be done this way:

currency.CamposUtil.get_Item("CDU_Portal").Valor = 0;
  • Good morning, thank you!

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