Roi (Region of interest) customized with Opencv and python


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I detect people using Opencv and python, but I need to customize my ROI. I can only draw it rectangular, I would like a custom shape as in the picture. foto da roi personalizada que preciso

  • You can create a non-rectangular ROI using an image size mask (fully zeroed image) and drawing the polygon you want (white dots).

  • How could I do that? Is there an example I can follow?

  • I put an example in

  • I looked there, I ran the code, but it’s all black. I loaded my image in "image = cv2.imread ( ' myImage.jpg ' )" and gave a cv2.imshow ("Roi", Masked) and everything went black.

  • My code generates the following image

  • Are you displaying the image with cv2.imshow('Roi',Masked)? Here is giving error precisely in imshow to display the Masked. It gives accessibility error "Error retrieving Accessibility bus address", but only when I have it displayed with imshow, if I comment the imshow, it runs without error, but I don’t see anything. rsrsrs

  • I created a polyline (cv.polylines) to serve as a base and can see the drawing of the area to have a reference. But I’m having trouble detecting, with you in a rectangle. Uso o código da seguinte forma: gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame[:,:], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

 detect_area = gray[y_DetectAreaA:y_DetectAreaA+h_DetectAreaA, x_DetectAreaA:x_DetectAreaA+w_DetectAreaA]

people = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( detect_area, scaleFactor=1.4, minNeighbors=45, minSize=(35, 35), flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE )

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