Countdown with Javascript


Viewed 449 times


I am a beginner in Javascript and need to create a page with countdown.

I need to pick a future date and count back.

What’s the best way?

  • And your code? Where did you stop? Post your code..

1 answer


I made a similar application in my project to put the page in maintenance in case it is necessary to perform some maintenance.

  • For the code to work properly it takes two things: initial and final date.

As you can see in the code below it is necessary to inform the date as new Date(), new date(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MIN, SEC), recalling that the month begins at 0, January = 0, February = 1, March =2 , ...

A brief explanatory, every 0.1s it gives a refresh in the code to update the time, within the code it starts a variable now, responsible for controlling the time travelled and the variable porcentagem which is responsible for keeping the percentage already covered.

dateStart = new Date(2019, 5, 29, 12, 00, 00);
dateEnd = new Date(2019, 5, 29, 14, 00, 0);
var start = dateStart.getTime();
var end = dateEnd.getTime();
var dataFinal = verificaZero(dateEnd.getDate()) + "/" + verificaZero(dateEnd.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dateEnd.getFullYear();
var horaFinal = " ";
horaFinal += verificaZero(dateEnd.getHours()) + ":" + verificaZero(dateEnd.getMinutes());
var tempoFinal = dataFinal + horaFinal;

function verificaZero(value){
    var result = value < 10 ? "0"+value : value;
    return result;

window.setInterval(function() {
  var now = +new Date;
  porcentagem = (now - start) / (end - start) * 100;
  if (porcentagem > 100) {
    porcentagem = "100";
  if (porcentagem <= 0) {
    porcentagem = "0";
  if (porcentagem <= 100 || porcentagem > 0) {
    $("#progress-bar").text(parseInt(porcentagem) + "%");
        if (porcentagem < 100)
            $("#porcent").html("Aguarde, data de retorno: " + tempoFinal);
        if (porcentagem == 100)
            $("#porcent").html("Aguarde em instantes estaremos online.");
  $('.progress-bar-container').attr('title', parseInt(porcentagem) + "% Completo.");
  porcentagem = porcentagem + "%";

  document.getElementById("progress-bar").style.width = porcentagem;
}, 100);
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<script src=""></script>
<div class="content-wrapper">
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      <div class="col-md-12">
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            <div class="progress-bar-container" title="99% Completo">
              <article id="progress-bar" class="progress-bar"></article>
          <div id="porcent"></div>

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