Leave the Html page according to which the browser window will decrease or increase


Viewed 30 times


Eae guys, I need you to help me because I need to leave my html page according to the size of the window...

  • Being more specific, make the layout responsive...

1 answer



The question is a bit hazy. But if it is relative to height and width, you can use measures relative to vw and vh.

Vw stands for Viewport Wirth which sets the width according to display screen size.

Vh stands for Viewport Height which sets the height according to the display size.

In your case you can use:

body { min-width: 100vw; min-height: 100vh; }


  • I also thought so more what I fit and because I lower the window more the elements keep adapting. I wanted to leave my page like this, I think with css I can do...

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