Table not overlapping values


Viewed 30 times


I’m getting data from the firebase database and filling in a table dynamically. When new information arrives the table does not overwrite the data, it repeats the lines and puts the new data below without deleting the previous ones. Example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Html code:

<table class="table" >
      <th>Nível de Urgência</th>
      <th>Tipo de serviço</th>

  <tbody id="tabelaOcorrencias">



Javascript code:

window.onload = function() {

function inicializa() {
    database.ref('ocorrencias').on('value', function(snapshot) {
        snapshot.forEach(function(item) {
          item.forEach(function(cont) {
            InsertDataTable(cont.val(), cont.key, item.key);

function InsertDataTable(fila, idOcorrencia, idUsuario) {
   var tbodyTable = document.getElementById('tabelaOcorrencias');
   var tbody = tbodyTable.insertRow(fila.length);

   tbody.innerHTML = '';
   tbody.innerHTML += `
     <button type="submit" onclick="alterarOcorrencia('${idOcorrencia}', 
     '${idUsuario}')" class="btn btn-danger">Atender</button>


How do I delete before inserting?

  • Depends, how you call the function InsertDataTable?

  • I edited the code

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