Calculate the time difference between one record and another in the same column


Viewed 61 times


I need to calculate the time difference between one record and another, see that on the same day I have several records and I have several people. I found nothing calculating between times in the same column.

SELECT t.nm_primeiro_nome nome,
         ro.tm_check as horario
  from tbl_funcionario t 
  left join tbl_registro ro 
    on t.nr_cracha = ro.nm_registro 
  left join tbl_ordem_diaria od 
    on od.pk_ordem = ro.fk_os
 where od.pk_ordem  is not null
 order by 1,2 desc;

nome    horario
Carlos  26/06/2019 14:09:04
Carlos  26/06/2019 11:42:44
Carlos  26/06/2019 11:10:26
Carlos  26/06/2019 11:04:25
Carlos  26/06/2019 10:58:50
Carlos  26/06/2019 09:43:24
Carlos  26/06/2019 09:39:06
Carlos  26/06/2019 07:50:09
Carlos  26/06/2019 07:41:41
Carlos  26/06/2019 06:13:09
Carlos  19/06/2019 13:59:40
Carlos  19/06/2019 13:12:38
Carlos  19/06/2019 13:07:41
Carlos  19/06/2019 11:42:37
Carlos  19/06/2019 11:11:36
Carlos  19/06/2019 11:10:57
Carlos  19/06/2019 11:07:57
Carlos  19/06/2019 10:03:36
Carlos  19/06/2019 09:57:59
Carlos  19/06/2019 07:35:50
Carlos  19/06/2019 07:26:45
Carlos  19/06/2019 06:17:43
Carlos  17/06/2019 13:18:48
Carlos  17/06/2019 13:08:10
Carlos  17/06/2019 11:42:36
Carlos  17/06/2019 11:10:48
Carlos  17/06/2019 09:24:13
Carlos  17/06/2019 09:09:27
Carlos  13/06/2019 14:00:19
Carlos  13/06/2019 11:10:39
Carlos  13/06/2019 10:39:46
Carlos  13/06/2019 10:13:55
Carlos  13/06/2019 09:37:38
Carlos  13/06/2019 09:30:26
Carlos  13/06/2019 08:22:47
Carlos  13/06/2019 08:14:12
Carlos  13/06/2019 08:06:24
Carlos  11/06/2019 16:23:38
Carlos  11/06/2019 12:16:33
Carlos  11/06/2019 12:11:57
Carlos  11/06/2019 11:44:56
Carlos  11/06/2019 09:53:05

In that link he makes the whole comparison I need the difference between dates

  • you’ve researched the function LAG and LEAD ? The LEAD() and LAG() function in Mysql is used to get the previous and successive value of any row within its partition. These functions are referred to as non-aggregated window functions.

  • You must use "Running Total" to make this account. See this link! (in English) and see if it helps you.

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