I’m having import and export problems using ES6


Viewed 336 times


I am using Google Chrome as a browser and when I try to run the code, this error appears. And I saw that in the HTML file I can use type="module", however, two other errors appear. The first error is without type="module", and the bottom two are with type="module"

Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token {

Access to script at 'file://C:/Users/Vagner%20Wentz/Desktop/cursoes6/main.js' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for Protocol schemes: http, data, Chrome, Chrome-Extension, https.

GET file://C:/Users/Vagner%20Wentz/Desktop/cursoes6/main.js net:ERR_FAILED

export function soma(a, b) {
    return a + b;

import { soma } from './funcoes.js';

console.log(soma(1, 2));
  • You’re trying to open directly in the browser or the app is running on some web server?

  • I’m using a webpack server that Diego from rocketseat taught to install

  • Add what is necessary to reproduce your problem in the question, otherwise it is difficult

2 answers


Go to your webserver setup in the webpack and add:

headers: {
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
  • Anywhere in the webpack?

  • where you have new WebpackDevServer(...,{ adiciona os headers aqui } );

  • Elaborate a little more the answer explaining why the error and in which case your solution would solve the problem


The error is because you are importing main.js together with Bundle.js. main.js contains the uncompleted code, hence the error:

Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token {

Just remove the main.js.

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