I’m having a problem developing a login screen using Angular 7 and the Linkedin API. Backend is written in C#, and the problem is:
Linkedin requires a callback URL, and as far as I was able to search this is non-negotiable, unlike Facebook or Google, it is not possible to just recover the user’s data without a redirect, on the other hand the Urls in Angular have the character #
that is not accepted by Linkedin, and when trying to register this type of URL, we have the alert:
Redirect Urls cannot contain Fragment Identifiers (#)
In an attempt to get around the situation, I started using the PathLocationStrategy
, that solved the problem but brought another, now if user refresh the page, an error 404
is released. I researched some time but could not find a solution.
You know how I can use it PathLocationStrategy
and have no error while updating the page or some other way to recover user data using the HashLocationStrategy