Insert value received in javascript


Viewed 71 times


I have the following code:

  <p>Your browser fingerprint: <strong id="fp"></strong></p>
  <p>Time took to calculate the fingerprint: <var id="time"></var> ms</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
var hasConsole = typeof console !== "undefined"

    var fingerprintReport = function () {
      var d1 = new Date()
      Fingerprint2.get(function(components) {
        var murmur = Fingerprint2.x64hash128( (pair) { return pair.value }).join(), 31)
        var d2 = new Date()
        var time = d2 - d1
        document.querySelector("#time").textContent = time
        document.querySelector("#fp").textContent = murmur
        var details = ""
        if(hasConsole) {
          console.log("time", time)
          console.log("fingerprint hash", murmur)
        for (var index in components) {
          var obj = components[index]
          var line = obj.key + " = " + String(obj.value).substr(0, 100)
          if (hasConsole) {
          details += line + "\n"
        document.querySelector("#details").textContent = details

    var cancelId
    var cancelFunction

    // see usage note in the README
    if (window.requestIdleCallback) {
      cancelId = requestIdleCallback(fingerprintReport)
      cancelFunction = cancelIdleCallback
    } else {
      cancelId = setTimeout(fingerprintReport, 500)
      cancelFunction = clearTimeout

In the form I receive this values:

Your browser fingerprint: e18982228d92dbaaf8d72492f16a059c

Time Took to calculate the fingerprint: 142 ms

Now I want to take these values and insert them into mysql automatically on login.

I’m trying this way, but you’re not inserting:

$teste1 = $_SESSION['usuarioId'];
 $teste4 = $_POST["fp"];

if($teste4 != ''){
$query1 = 'UPDATE raddb.sessoes SET hostname= ? WHERE id = ? ';
$stmt1 = $conn->prepare( $query1 );
$stmt1->bind_param("ss", $teste4, $teste1); 

The problem is that when I do var_dump($teste4); returns as NULL. Not receiving variable value fp within the javascript

1 answer


Changes here:

 $teste4 = $_POST["fp"];


 $teste4 = $_POST["murmur"];
  • even by changing the variable test4 becomes NULL

  • The call to the POST function in your code has to be next to Fingerprint2.get(function(components) { }), for example: Fingerprint2.get(function(components) { ... postFingerprint(murmur); })

  • can update the response of how to put this part of the code inside the javascript?

  • Put all your code on so I can get a good look at it

  • the code I have is this, and it works well, returns the identification of each device, the problem is just enter this value e18982228d92dbaaf8d72492f16a059c in the database

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