

Viewed 160 times


How to build a Custom Directive that works like v-on?

Briefly the directive needs to have the same functionality as the v-on:click

I tried things like:

<h1 v-arthur:click="myfunction">Directives Exercise</h1>

Vue.directive('arthur', {
    alert('minha diretiva personalizada v-on funcionou!');

    export default {
        methods: {

But it wasn’t, because I don’t know how to do, it’s wrong to call a function within methods, but I’ve tried everything, someone can help me?

  • Man, that’s just not possible, like it’s out of character what you’re trying to do. Custom directives do not work that way and were not created to do so.

  • I’m taking a course at udemy and has some exercises... In one of them has the following activity " Build a Custom Directive that works as v-on (Listen to Events)"

  • Maybe I misunderstood but from what I understand, it is to make a directive that has the same functionality as v-on ........

  • Well, I don’t see how to do it, and if there is, it’s a scam. But if it’s done you can post the code as an answer if anyone has any similar questions.

2 answers


Edit01 If I understand what you need, we have this in the Vuejs documentation

It would be something like this:

<div v-arthur="{ color: 'green', text: 'Verde' }"></div>

Vue.directive('arthur', function (el, binding) {

I didn’t notice you wanted to make a specific v-on

Here is an example from CodePen.


<div id="el">
  <button v-dup:click="alertMe">BlaBlaBla</button>


Vue.directive('dup', {
   bind(el, binding) {
     let type = binding.arg
     let myFunction = binding.value
     el.addEventListener(type, myFunction)

Here you do the ligament, getting the element.

 bind(el, binding)

Here you take the function you are passing as argument.

 let myFunction = binding.value

Then connect the function to the element.

el.addEventListener(type, myFunction)
  • I think it’s not quite what he needs, he wants to perform the click action through the directive.

  • But it is only to modify for as you want, to pass the event of Click, and to attach it to a function, Perai I will do in a codePen. (If that’s what he really wants)


The solution is this

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
                <h1>Directives Exercise</h1>
                <!-- Exercise -->
                <!-- Build a Custom Directive which works like v-on (Listen for Events) -->
                <button v-customOn:click="clicked" class="btn btn-primary">Click Me</button>

    export default {
        directives: {
            customOn: {
                bind(el, binding) {
                    el.onclick = function() {
        methods: {
            clicked() {
                alert('I was clicked!');


  • Sorry I didn’t understand, there is some difference of the solution that I informed you ?

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