How to convert Enum to int by filling with zero on the left?


Viewed 108 times


Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question here of converting a enum in a string, but I need the conversion to be filled with zero to keep 2 digits.


public enum System
    Unknown = 0,
    Mirror = 3,
    Order = 17

the Enum Mirror the out put would be "03".

tried with this example below worked

        int value;
        value = 3;
        // Displays 03

But with Enum it doesn’t work.


The Following error appears:

Message=Format String can be only "G", "g", "X", "x", "F", "f", "D" or "d".....

Follows the enum:

    public enum SourceSystem
    Unknown = 0,
    Mirror = 3,
    MirrorTrident = 17

1 answer


First you need to take the amount with a cast for example, and then turn into string, the pattern of ToString() of enum is to give the description of his name.

using static System.Console;

public class Program {
    public static void Main() {

public enum SourceSystem {
    Unknown = 0,
    Mirror = 3,
    MirrorTrident = 17

Behold working in the ideone. And in the .NET Fiddle. Also put on the Github for future reference.

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