How to manipulate images? HTML5/CSS3/PHP/JS


Viewed 77 times


I am developing a web site for a real estate and we display photos of various properties with carousel and other exhibitions, however the site is heavy because of the photos and I do not know what is the best way to leave with good quality and not so heavy. what format should I use? which dimension? should I use thumbnails for the initial view? Should I use a resize script?

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1 answer


Use jpg (JPEG) They are smaller and have a good quality. For icons, use the correct size and do not resize by code as if done, it will load the photo to the original size!

You can use Photoshop for this or this site:

Another way to make this answer even faster is to host the images on a website. as for example the

Combine the jpeg+ resized images hosted on Imgur or another website and you’ll get more fluidity!

  • The png format, can you tell me how it behaves in this example you gave me? If I host it on a website would it not be slower to upload it on my site? I leave my thanks for the attention. Grateful

  • PNG has more quality but is heavier in Mb than JPEG. When you leave these images on your server, it will depend more on your upload speed to send this information. When you leave it on an image server, it loads faster because the speed of these servers is faster.

  • Thank you very much my dear. Have a great day.

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