Select One Rendered Menu


Viewed 29 times


Good afternoon, I have two selects one menu, one loads the states and the other I want to load the cities of that state at runtime, only I can’t, it doesn’t even load the page when I try to use <p:ajax> or <f:ajax>, someone can give me a hand:


 private EstadoDAO edao = new EstadoDAO();
private List<Estado> estados;
private int estadoSelecionado;

private CidadeDAO cdao = new CidadeDAO();
private List<Cidade> cidades;
private int cidadeSelecionada;

public pessoaMB() {
    estados = edao.MostrarEstados();


public void atualizarCidadesporEstado() {
    cidades = cdao.MostrarCidadesporEstado(estadoSelecionado);

My canvas:

                    <div class="ui-g-12">
                        <h:selectOneMenu id="estado" value="#{pessoaMB.estadoSelecionado}"  >
                            <f:selectItems value="#{pessoaMB.estados}" var="estado" itemValue="#{estado.idEstado}" itemLabel="#{estado.nomeEstado}"/>
                        <p:ajax update="cidade" listener="#{pessoaMB.atualizarCidadesporEstado()}"/>  

                    <div class="ui-g-12">
                        <p:outputLabel  value="Selecione sua cidade:*"/>
                    <div class="ui-g-12">
                        <h:selectOneMenu id="cidade" value="#{pessoaMB.cidadeSelecionada}" >
                            <f:selectItems value="#{pessoaMB.cidades}" var="cidade" itemValue="#{cidade.idCidade}" itemLabel="#{cidade.nomeCidade}"/>

DAO methods work perfectly, my problem is when I try to apply an ajax, it gets the page like this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Very probably my logic is wrong, I have used ajax with radio button in other forms and it worked perfectly, if someone can give a north I thank.

*I’ve seen the examples of select with rendered, none worked so far with me.

1 answer


You’re using right primefaces?

Try to put the ajax in the onblur event


<p:ajax update="cidade" event="blur" listener="#{pessoaMB.atualizarCidadesporEstado()}"/>
  • It gave the same incorrect redirect error, just tell me, this logic that I applied should work ? And my method is not an event, I don’t know how it should be to work

  • Yes it is so, I was seeing something here, put the p:ajax "inside" of selectOneMenu

  • Below is the example in the first faces showcase

  • It worked, thank you very much, the only thing is that he needs to click on some other part of the screen to render, but this I turn around, it was really worth!

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