Doesn’t Crontab kill the lawsuits after they’re done?


Viewed 142 times


I’m using the Crontab to run a PHP script every 10 minutes the problem is that the processes are running on the server, that is to say every 10 minutes I have another process running.

crontab -e 

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/test/test.php

The Crontab doesn’t kill the processes after they’re done? Or do I have to do something in the PHP script to finish the process?

  • It’s just an insert in the Mysql BD script...

  • You are running every 5 minutes. Have you checked whether the process is running in the database ? Gives the impression that your routine is running and every 5 new minutes enters another connection, check in the database or increase the run time.

1 answer


Cron is just a task scheduler, that is crontab, its configuration utlitario, does not kill processes only execute them at the time they were scheduled.

In order for your processes to be finished your PHP script has to finish somehow, I don’t know the content of it to be able to say what Voce has to do, but as I said Cron doesn’t do this he’s just a task scheduler

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