How to convert a jQuery object to html?


Viewed 131 times


Hello, I am trying to create a download button after the page content is deleted. I’m using jQuery to create the button, but I need the html to use as the "Document.write()" parameter. They can transform a jQuery object into an html string?

function criarBotaoDownload(){
    var botao = $("<a>");
    botao.attr("download", "download");
    botao.attr("href", enderecoDoArquivo);


    document.write(//Quero colocar o link aqui!);


I thought to put inside a div and pull the value with ". innerHTML" but it seemed to me to be a great gambiarra so I came to ask here.

Thanks for your help.

1 answer


You really don’t need to do this, let alone use the document.write; just use the function append jQuery:

function criarBotaoDownload(){
    var botao = $("<a>");
    botao.attr("download", "download");
    botao.attr("href", 'url');


<script src=""></script>

  • Hello Anderson, in fact it is not necessary. I just wanted to know if it was possible to turn a jQuery object into html because in this case I would really like to use the document.write() this is possible?

  • @Wiltonribeiro But what justifies this use?

  • I am creating a script to use with browser devtools. This script will look at the code of a particular site, rewrite and then present me the result by deleting the content from the previous site.

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