Lock Printscreen function


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I know the question is controversial, but I want to know if it really has to block the function print screen altogether. In Windows Forms you can delete the clipboard with Clipboard.clear, but in Javascript this is not allowed for security reasons. So this really in both situations and platforms is not possible to do, right?

  • 5

    With pure Javascript does not give, exactly for the reason you mentioned. You would have to use some plugin.

  • 5

    It is not possible to totally block the user’s ability to capture screen content, whatever the language (since the user can simply take a picture of the screen with his mobile phone, right?). In addition, except in very specific contexts, modifying the functioning of the user’s environment (outside the software itself) is an extremely controversial practice, as it is invasive.

2 answers


You cannot disable the screen by grabbing from the web browser, it would only be possible by installing additional software on the user’s PC.

There are some IRM (Information Rights Management) tools available that do this for example, protect Windows / Directx API calls and also video memory monitoring, such as Oracle IRM or as Microsoft’s IRM technology .

Especially the latter may be of interest as there is also a Rights Management add-on for Internet Explorer .

But as others have said, any IRM/DRM technology controversies and you should understand that most of the time will limit or irritate your users.

Source :



Would something like this not work?

  if(e.keyCode == 44) return false;
  • 5

    Print Screen without selected page holes this method.

  • Truth, besides the event is shot in the keyup, there the key has already been pressed and the ugly print :(

  • 2

    And if the user is an unemployed 12-year-old teenager, he can simply run a $().unbind().

  • We tried that already. It is really complicated this issue, but another idea would be to block the access to the keyboard and not let it trigger any key, but if the boy moves the browser, in the settings, may fail this idea.

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