- Read the values of four bimonthly school grades of a student represented by the variables N1,N2,N3,N4. Calculate the arithmetic mean (variable MD1) of that student and display the message "Approved with average' if the average obtained is greater than 7.0; otherwise the program must request the fifth exam grade, represented by NE) and calculate a new, variable (MD2) average between the exam grade and the first average. If the average value is greater than or equal to 5, display the message "Approved with average"; otherwise display the message "Disapproved with average". Display the average value next to each message.
Here was the solution I found:
# mudei as variaveis e a quantidade de notas, mas a essencia é a mesma. do que foi pedido.
a = float(input('Nota 1: '))
b = float(input('Nota 2: '))
c = float(input('nota 3: '))
m1 = (a + b) / 2
if m1 >= 7:
print('Aprovado media %f' % m1)
m2 = (m1 + c) / 2
if m2 >= 5:
print('Aluno aprovado media %f' % m2)
if m2 < 4:
print('Reprovado media %f' % m2)
enter = input('\nPressione <ENTER> para encerrar...')
Such a solution would be satisfactory?
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– Maniero