Foreach in a Viewbag is not working properly


Viewed 236 times


Inside that foreach

@foreach (var item in Model)
                    <h3 id="subscription-@(item.SubscriptionId)" data-id="@item.SubscriptionId" class="item-accordion result-header">
                @if (Html.CurrentCustomer().Type == Atma.SND.CSP.SharedContracts.Contracts.Customers.CustomerTypeRequest.Reseller)

                @foreach(var dominio in ViewBag.Dominio)

                    <span class="@(item.Status == "Ativa" ? "status-ativo" : "status-preto")">@item.Status</span>
                    <div id="subscription-content-@(item.SubscriptionId)" class="conteudo-item-accordion result-area display-none"></div>
                    @foreach (var product in item.Products)
                    @Html.ActionLink("Detalhes", "Detail", "Subscription", new { id = item.SubscriptionId }, null)
                    <a class="see-order-details" href="@Url.Action("GetOrderDetail", new {id = item.OrderId})">Ver pedido</a>

I did it

@foreach(var dominio in ViewBag.Dominio)

It turns out that only the first item is printed on the screen and this should be because of being inside a foreach. I fill my Viewbag like this:

List<MicrosoftCustomer> lista = new List<MicrosoftCustomer>();
foreach (var item in customers)
ViewBag.Dominio = lista;

Here in Controller are being filled in correctly, but my logic is wrong at the time of clicking on View. How do I correctly print the Domain in my Viewbag?

My model, the same from View

public class SearchSubscriptionResponse
        public int SubscriptionId { get; set; }
        public int OrderId { get; set; }
        public int ResellerId { get; set; }
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public Guid CustomerGuid { get; set; }
        public string CustomerEmail { get; set; }

        public string MicrosoftCustomerId { get; set; }

        public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }
        public DateTime RenewOn { get; set; }
        public string Status { get; set; }
        public decimal EstimatedMonthlyPriceBRL { get; set; }
        public bool PodeAtivar { get; set; }
        public bool PodeAlterar { get; set; }
        public List<string> Products { get; set; }

Here I take the Microsoftcustmer

private List<MicrosoftCustomer> ListaMicrosoftCustomer(string microsoftCustomerId)
    return _microsoftCustomerService.Table.Where(x => x.Id == microsoftCustomerId).ToList();
  • Try to change that line lista.AddRange(ListaMicrosoftCustomer(item.CustomerMicrosoftId)); for lista.Add(item.CustomerMicrosoftId);. I could be wrong, because I don’t understand where you’re from, or what you are ListaMicrosoftCustomer

  • @Matheus, is a method I created to store Microsoftcustomer. I will edit and post it. I edited and posted it

  • I think you want to use AddRange, the method Add, would be enough

  • @Matheus, I think the whole question is not there, but the way the information is extracted in the View. That’s my bottleneck

1 answer


You didn’t specify the type of ViewBag.

Change your foreach so that it stays as below:

@foreach(var dominio in ViewBag.Dominio as List<MicrosoftCustomer>)

Also check, in this snippet, if it returns more than one value:

return _microsoftCustomerService.Table.Where(x => x.Id == microsoftCustomerId).ToList();

To simplify when checking the records change it so it looks like this:

private List<MicrosoftCustomer> ListaMicrosoftCustomer(string microsoftCustomerId)
    var result = _microsoftCustomerService.Table.Where(x => x.Id == microsoftCustomerId).ToList();
    return result;

Put a breakpoint in the first line of the method and/or place a Watch in the var resultand check the return of the consultation.

  • It does not return a value just a value, it returns a list of values the way I did. Microsoftcustomerid in this context is not a PK, but I think the problem is that Viewbag is inside a foreach as well, I think that might be it, but I’m changing the approach. I created another property inside the screen Model and I will bring filled, I think that would be better

  • @pnet, edited the answer, his viewbag was not doing the cast, he is a Dynamic and in the foreach he did not recognize as an array to be able to go through.

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