How to select different records between two tables


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How to select different records between two tables

I tried to run the query with the query below; but it did not generate records;

FROM item_inventarios c1
INNER JOIN funcionarios c2
ON c2.cod_coletor = c1.cod_coletor
WHERE c1.cod_coletor != c2.cod_coletor
and  c1.id_inventario='85'

I left my query available at this link! 9/83a9dd/1

  • is calling by a column and then is running Where instead of the link, so it will certainly not get records.

  • @Mauroalmeida, My link column is also the value I want to check the difference. How could I run in the right way?

3 answers


I solved with the following code

select * from item_inventarios
where cod_coletor not in (select cod_coletor
from funcionarios) and `id_inventario`='85'


It is not possible to connect the two tables by a column and then put them as different in the WHERE, for this one must have another column to make the link, ai yes could filter in the WHERE the different cod_collector in the two tables.

Place an ID in either of the two and connect this ID to the other table.

Ex: Put a column ID in the table and in the other table put a column Id_employees, in select connect the two tables through this ID and then use WHERE to remove what you do not want, filtering by another column.

Or else you could get the record that is not in one of the tables through the query:

SELECT cod_coletor FROM item_inventarios 
WHERE cod_coletor not in (SELECT funcionarios.cod_coletor FROM funcionarios) 
AND id_inventario='85'
  • In this case there is no other relation between the two tables. How could I check without connecting the cod_collector column?

  • You could get the record that is not in one of the tables through the query: (SELECT C1.cod_coletor FROM item_inventarios C1 WHERE C1.cod_coletor not in (SELECT funcionarios.cod_coletor FROM funcionarios) and C1.id_inventario='85')

  • Please mark my answer as useful in case I have helped you.

  • 1

    @Augustocruz Instead of editing the other reply by adding a comment that is not pertinent to the discussion, prefer editing yours as complete as possible. You claimed the code was copied from your answer, but it doesn’t even have code. There is in the comments an excerpt of code (which does not belong to the answer) that was even published after the reply, so we have no way to confirm whether it was copied from you or not.


Starting from your original SELECT, because I did not understand the considerations made later, try:

FROM item_inventarios c1
FULL OUTER JOIN funcionarios c2
ON c1.cod_coletor != c2.cod_coletor
WHERE c1.id_inventario='85'

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