How to pass an object inside a props?


Viewed 874 times


I’m trying to show the attributes of the music object inside a component but it only renders the list but not the attributes of the object I passed. What I’m doing wrong?

Objeto Musica:

function Music (banda, url, musica) {
   this.banda = banda;
   this.url = url;
   this.musica = musica;

Component to show the music:

class Musica extends React.Component {
    render() {

        return (
            <strong>{this.props.banda} </strong>
            <a href={this.props.url} target="_blank"> {this.props.musica} </a>

Component to assemble the playlist:

    const music1 = new Music("Foster the people", "", "Houdini")
    const music2 = new Music("The Strokes", "", "You Only Live Once")

class Musicas extends React.Component {    
    render () {
        return (
                <Musica props={music1}/>
                <Musica props={music2}/>

  • 1

    In the Music component, try using the Perator spread to pass the props, it would look like "{...music1}", so you will have access to each property individually. The way it is today, you will probably only be able to access the property this way: "{this.props.music1.banda}" and so on. If you use the spread Operator to pass the props, there will be no need to change the code.

2 answers


In the component Musicas, you must define another key that does not props or do the spread of all object properties Music.

I leave below two possible alternatives. Choose the one that seems simpler. :)

Alternative 1: Passing a prop music:

An alternative is to do so:

class Musicas extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <Musica music={music1} />
          <Musica music={music2} />

And in the component Musica:

class Musica extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { banda, url, musica } =;

    return (
        <strong>{banda} </strong>
        <a href={url} target="_blank">

Alternative 2: Doing the spread of the properties of the object Music

You can use the Operator spread (...) to pass all properties of the object Music for the component Musica:

class Musicas extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <Musica {...music1} />
          <Musica {...music2} />

And in the component Musica, just do it the way you used it before:

class Musica extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <strong>{this.props.banda} </strong>
        <a href={this.props.url} target="_blank">

Recommended reading:


The error is in the "object" Music, in fact you have not created an object, but rather a function that is not returning anything.

The right thing would be:

function music (banda, url, musica) { return { banda: banda, url: url, musica: musica } }

To create one of the constants would be:

const music1 = music("Foster the people", "", "Houdini");

And to pass:

<Musica {...music1} />

  • I kept it the other way and it’s working. It would be a different way to create an object?

  • 1

    If it worked is great. Yes it would be a different syntax

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