How to do strstr() in jquery


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Is there any way strstr() (which exists in php) in jQuery?

I need to create a Function?

I want to be checked if there is the exact string that I am passing in another string, for example:

if(strstr("abc", "abcdefgh")){

4 answers


It is not necessary jQuery for this, only pure javascript, which already contains the function indexOf, example.

var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
var n = str.indexOf("welcome");

if (n > -1) alert('Termo encontrado');
else alert('Termo não encontrado');


jQuery is a cross-browser Javascript library designed to simplify client side scripts that interact with HTML. Wikipedia


Use indexOf javascript that returns the position of a string in another. If the return of indexOf for -1 means that the first string is not within the second.


if("string que contém".indexOf("string contida") < -1){
  /* O que fazer se não encontrar a string */ 
  /* O que fazer se a string for encontrada. */


There’s a really cool project called php.js, there are Javascript implementations of the main functions of PHP, including the strstr(), it is possible to inform even the third parameter.

Example of use:

strstr('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'van'); // Retorna 'van Zonneveld'


Yes, you will need to create a function.

<script type="text/javascript">

     var chave = /vai/;
     var string = "Como vai Amancio";
     var resultado =;

     if(resultado != -1){
        alert("Encontrado: " + resultado); 
        alert("Não foi possível encontrar");


  • Note that in the case of search the expected argument is a regular expression, not a string. To find a common string within the other (such as the corresponding PHP function) indexOf is more indicated (because the argument for search is implicitly converted to a regex - meaning that special characters within the string are interpreted as such, not taken literally).

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