How to open a web link on a java button?


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Well, I created a class :

import java.awt.Desktop;

public class AbrirLink {
public static void main(String[] args){

        URI link = new URI("");
    }catch(Exception erro){


I wanted to know how to call her inside a button, so when I click the button I opened the web page.

I created an Actionperformed on the Button and put the following code:

AbrirLink ab = new AbrirLink();

But I think there’s something else I need to do?

2 answers


This way it worked: If you want to open a link by clicking on an Jmenubar just create an event of Mouseclicked in that item and put that Code there:

String[] args; try{ URI link = new URI(""); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(link); }catch(Exception erro){ System.out.println(erro); }

Should you want a Jbuttom open a link by clicking on it, create an Actionperformed on the Button and put the code above.

  • That’s what I told you to do... URI link = new URI(""); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(link);


Use the method browse(URI uri) of class Desktop!

This method starts the default browser to display a URI (SIMILAR TO A URL).


String valor = tableLinks.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0).toString();
java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse( new "http://www." + valor  ));


For more information visit official documentation of oracle.

  • I didn’t understand it very well, like I used this Rowse(URI) and this get Desktop right there in the class I did, until if I run only this class it opens the browser normally, I wanted to know if type has how to call this class on my button to click on it open the web link, if yes, what command should I do in the action of my button to be able to execute this class by clicking the ? Thanks in advance

  • I actually did some tests here and I got it, it wasn’t working because I was putting in a "Jmenubar button" and not a normal button, vlw

  • @Vinicius alright, put the code there for us in your answer.

  • Blza, I put it there

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