How to create a class to connect to in Firebase?


Viewed 58 times


I’m trying to create a class where I’ll connect in the Firestore of Firebase, and then I’ll take this class and instantiate it where necessary, I made this part of the code but I don’t know what else to do.

Class connecting in firebase

public class Cloudfirestore {

FirebaseFirestore connection;

public CloudFirestore(FirebaseFirestore connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

public FirebaseFirestore getConnection() {
    return connection;

public void setConnection(FirebaseFirestore connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

Class that prompts my connection and adds a record in firebase.

Cloudfirestore cloudFirestore = new Cloudfirestore();

    Map<String, Object> report = new HashMap<>();
    report.put("name", this.editTextName);
    report.put("dateWorked", this.editDateWorked);
    report.put("timeInput", this.editTimeInput);
    report.put("timeExit", this.editTimeExit);
    report.put("goodParts", this.editNumberGoodParts);
    report.put("badParts", this.editNumberBadParts);
    report.put("workedPlace", this.editTextWorkedPlace);
    report.put("mails", this.editTextMails);

    if (report != null) {

                .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentReference>() {
                    public void onSuccess(DocumentReference documentReference) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "DocumentSnapshot added with ID: " + documentReference.getId());
                .addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
                    public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "Error adding document", e);

1 answer


At first glance, I just miss the constructor to boot the class...

Something like: public CloudFirestore () { FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance(); }

Is the class giving any error? It is difficult to help without knowing the problem...

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