Why did my jQuery stop accepting $ but this accepted "jQuery"?


Viewed 49 times


With that error code


$(function () {
        animation: true,
        sanitize: false

var slide_old = "slide_img0";
var slide = "efeito_slide";

$('#carouselExampleCaptions').on('slide.bs.carousel', function (ev) {
    var id = ev.to;
    switch (id) {
        case 0:

        $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
        $(".slide_img0").addClass( slide );
        slide_old = "slide_img0";

        case 1:

        $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
        $(".slide_img1").addClass( slide );
        slide_old = "slide_img1";

        case 2:

        $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
        $(".slide_img2").addClass( slide );
        slide_old = "slide_img2";

        case 3:

        $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
        $(".slide_img3").addClass( slide );
        slide_old = "slide_img3";


But not this


    jQuery(function () {
            animation: true,
            sanitize: false

    var slide_old = "slide_img0";
    var slide = "efeito_slide";

    jQuery('#carouselExampleCaptions').on('slide.bs.carousel', function (ev) {
        var id = ev.to;
        switch (id) {
            case 0:

            jQuery("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            jQuery(".slide_img0").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img0";

            case 1:

            jQuery("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            jQuery(".slide_img1").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img1";

            case 2:

            jQuery("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            jQuery(".slide_img2").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img2";

            case 3:

            jQuery("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            jQuery(".slide_img3").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img3";



'Cause you’re making a mistake 'Cause it was just working perfectly?

  • can explain better? what should the code do? where is it using it?

  • 1

    Check in your browser console what the variable $ contains. Some code is probably overwriting this variable.

  • As @user140828 mentioned, some other code must have overwritten the "$" alias, you recently added some js library to your project? By the way, just to leave the note here, many people do not know, but the "$" is just a nickname for jQuery, could be anything else that is not reserved by javascript or is being used, and is configurable tb

  • @Gustavorichter Richter this code is to be able to place html in a Popover and place and remove a class according to an image exchange slide

  • @user140828 returns this on the Uncaught Typeerror console: $ is not a Function at (index):524

1 answer


It is good practice when using jQuery not to use directly $. There are some ways to reference $ just to avoid the mistakes you are having.

Using a shortcut

// Note que $jq pode ser qualquer nome de variável que você desejar.
var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();

// Veja o exemplo
$jq( '#link ').css( 'background', 'red' );

Using an IIFE

(function ( $ ) {
   // Dentro deste escopo $ é uma referência ao objeto jQuery
   $( '#link' ).css( 'background', 'red' );
})( jQuery );

Passing $ as argument in call jQuery( document ).ready()

jQuery( document ).ready(function ( $ ) {
   // Dentro deste escopo $ é uma referência ao objeto jQuery
   $( '#link' ).css( 'background', 'red' );

Using a shorter syntax than the previous

jQuery(function ( $ ) {
    // Dentro deste escopo $ é uma referência ao objeto jQuery
    $( '#link' ).css( 'background', 'red' );

But you must be wondering in which situation should I use each syntax?

  • Option 1: Indicated when you own other libraries that also use $ (as prototype.js for example) and as the name fuctionality already says, this feature will avoid conflict between libraries.

  • Option 2: Using a IIFE you create an internal scope where $ will only be accessible within that function. You can or should use this syntax when you do not want or do not want to wait for the gift to be fully loaded. For example, when you are sure that your script will be loaded after the(s) elements(s) you want to manipulate or you are sure that your script will be the last thing to load on the page.

  • Options 3 and 4: When the action you want to perform in your script requires the DOM to be fully loaded.

Your changed code may look like code snippet below:

jQuery( document ).ready(function ( $ ) {
    var slide_old = "slide_img0";
    var slide = "efeito_slide";

        animation: true,
        sanitize: false

    $('#carouselExampleCaptions').on('slide.bs.carousel', function (ev) {
        var id = ev.to;
        switch (id) {
            case 0:

            $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            $(".slide_img0").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img0";

            case 1:

            $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            $(".slide_img1").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img1";

            case 2:

            $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            $(".slide_img2").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img2";

            case 3:

            $("." + slide_old).removeClass( slide )
            $(".slide_img3").addClass( slide );
            slide_old = "slide_img3";



  • Thank you very much, I didn’t know half of it and your code worked perfectly

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