I am building a search application (input) and it should bring the result of a webservice.
xhttp.open("POST", "https://www.site.br/api/v1/busca/termo/_pesquisa", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
var data = JSON.stringify({"order":"relevancia","pagina":1,"q":"*"});
The return of this code brings the pure JSON of the web service and I would like to organize the data according to my HTML, with title, name and description (coming, of course, from the webservice).
Is there a practical example I can give? Thank you, from now on.
if you search here on the site have several examples, like this: access the value of a json object
– Ricardo Pontual
Thanks, @Ricardo. Solved for me
– Regis Paiva Araujo