SQL - Difference between Mandatorykey and Mandatoryfkey


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I’m in my first internship since I started IT and the area I’m interning in is Databases. I have studied some old scripts and saw that some variables were declared, for example: @country AS Mandatoryfkey. By then I knew what a Mandatorykey, but I’ve never read about Mandatoryfkey.

I did my research before and did not find satisfactory references on google or stackoverflow Portuguese or English. Would anyone care to explain to me if there’s a difference between Mandatorykey and Mandatoryfkey? Thank you

  • I have never seen such a name but I deduce that Mandatoryfkey must mean Mandatory Foreign Key which means that the foreign key must be filled, that is, that the relationship is mandatory.

  • @anonymity, I had the same feeling about it, but I looked for some more concrete information about it and did not find it. Thank you.

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