Left John of Phpactiverecord using Codeigniter does not work


Viewed 66 times


I’m using Phpactiverecord’s left Join to get data from companies and users, but it’s not working. I use the users and Companies tables as relationship table proposals. I want to get the user data in foreach, but am not getting.

Model class Proposal.php


class Proposal extends ActiveRecord\Model

    static $belongs_to = array(


Class controller proposals.php

public function index()
    $join = 'JOIN users u ON(proposals.vendedor_id = u.id)';
    $proposals = Proposal::all(array('joins' => $join));

    foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
        echo 'vendedor_id -> ' . $proposal->vendedor_id .
             '<br>company -> ' . $proposal->company->name . 
             '<br>user -> ' . $proposal->user->username . '<br>';


My answer is:

sellers_id -> 1, company -> new company test, user -> (does not return user data)

I would like to understand the reason for not returning user data.

MER from my Mysql database:

Tabela users Tabela proposals Tabela companies

Source: https://phpactiverecord.xyz/projects/main/wiki/Finders/

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  • I was able to reach the expected result using Function: public Function index() { $proposals = Proposal::find_by_sql('select p.*, u.firstname from proposals p INNER Join users u on p.vendedor_id = u.id'); foreach ($proposals as $Proposal) { echo 'vendedor_id -> ' . $Proposal->vendedor_id . '<br>company -> ' . $Proposal->company->name . '<br>user -> ' . $Proposal->firstname . '<br>'; } Exit(); }

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