I’m using the following code to try to import 30,000 csv records into a comic mysql on the hostgator server
load data local infile 'public_html/empresa.csv' into table empresa
fields terminated by ';'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
(id_empresa,cnpj, empresa);
But make the following mistake:
#2027 - Malformed Packet
I’ve tried the panel phpmyadmin in importing data, I have tried other commands, everything and I can’t. Can anyone help me? If you wish, step password and user to see what happens .
MYSQL: ERROR 2027 (HY000): Malformed Packet
– Bacco
Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to come up with the right answer, because there are all kinds of situations where that happens, just things that might help. First I saw that it is quite common to receive this error when using the
, you can try updating libmysql.dll, or how you are using the hostgator server to talk to them directly. I also recommend looking at this discussion can help a lot: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/102567/sql-error-2027-malformed-packet– Patrick Perdigão
If not even the HOSTGATOR this responding my request is a sign that I fucked up. Vlw , thanks
– Rogerio Silva