COUNT() query does not work


Viewed 191 times


The purpose of the query is to list, within a user-defined period, all states and their total number of independent quotes if zero. Customers must be active (status 30) and have city id number mentioned.

The table vangebot has the quotations, with id of the customer’s address and date of issue:

angebotid | eingabeDatum | adressebestellerid - nº do endereço
201970110 | 01/06/2019   | 26087
201970111 | 25/05/2018   | 15305
201970112 | 23/06/2016   | 18447

The table gpartner has information about the customer:

partnerid | partnername | status
24270     | Oliveira    | 30
24669     | Medsíntese  | 30
24665     | Assessoria  | 30
21122     | X           | 30

The table gadresse has the address linked to the client in the table gpartner, with the city number:

adresseid | partnerid | adresseName  | postfachplz - nº da cidade
26087     | 24270     | R. Alviverde | 193
15305     | 24669     | R. 358       | 2043
18447     | 24665     | Av. Leopoldo | 1890
14151     | 21122     | R. Barroca   | 30

The table its_microRegion has the city and the micro-region linked according to the address mentioned in the table gadresse:

id   | city           | uf - nº da uf
193  | Porto Alegre   | 23
2043 | Belo Horizonte | 17
1890 | Rio de Janeiro | 19
30   | Alecrim        | 12

The table its_Region has the name of the state, linked to the table its_microRegion:

id | uf | regionName
23 | RS | Rio Grande do Sul
17 | MG | Minas Gerais
19 | RJ | Rio de Janeiro
12 | GO | Goiás

I have drawn up the following consultation:

select its_Region.uf, its_Region.regionName, count(vangebot.angebotid) as qtdCotacoes from vangebot
left join gpartner on vangebot.kundeid = gpartner.partnerid
left join gadresse on gadresse.adresseid = vangebot.adressebestellerid
left join its_microRegion on gadresse.postfachplz =
inner join its_Region on its_microRegion.uf =
where vangebot.eingabeDatum between '2016-01-01' and '2019-06-02'
and gpartner.status = 30 and gadresse.postfachPlz <> ''
group by its_Region.uf order by qtdCotacoes desc;


uf | regionName        | qtdCotacoes
RS | Rio Grande do Sul | 1
MG | Minas Gerais      | 1
RJ | Rio de Janeiro    | 1

What should I show:

uf | regionName        | qtdCotacoes
RS | Rio Grande do Sul | 1
MG | Minas Gerais      | 1
RJ | Rio de Janeiro    | 1
GO | Goiás             | 0

However, the result presented only mentions the states that have linked quotations and the others do not. What should I do?

DB Fiddle code:

Consultation COUNT

  • I didn’t create the tables to actually test, but you probably have to use left_join or right_join instead of inner_join. From a researcher on this

  • Can make a DB Fiddle to facilitate finding the problem?

  • @Sorack, I just inserted the fiddle. Can you take a look?

2 answers


Try to select with join only between tables its_region and its_microRegion to get all the states. The other tables with left join:

SELECT ITR.uf, ITR.regionName, COUNT(VAN.kundeid) AS qtdCotacoes
from its_Region ITR
inner join its_microRegion IMR
on IMR.uf =
LEFT join gadresse GA on GA.postfachplz =
LEFT join gpartner GP on GP.partnerid = GA.partnerid
LEFT JOIN vangebot VAN ON GP.partnerid = VAN.kundeid 
where (van.angebotid IS NULL OR van.eingabeDatum BETWEEN '2016-01-01' and '2019-06-02') AND 
gp.partnerid IS NULL OR gp.status = 30 AND 
ga.postfachPlz <> ''
 group by ITR.uf, ITR.regionName, VAN.kundeid
 order by qtdCotacoes desc;

OR with a subquery:

SELECT ITR.uf, ITR.regionName, 
 FROM vangebot AS VAN 
 INNER JOIN gpartner AS GP on VAN.kundeid = GP.partnerid
INNER JOIN gadresse AS GA ON GP.partnerid = GA.partnerid 
WHERE VAN.eingabedatum between '2016-01-01' and '2019-06-02' AND
    GP.status = 30 and GA.postfachPlz <> '' AND GA.postfachplz =
) AS qtdCotacoes
FROM its_Region AS ITR
INNER JOIN its_microRegion AS IMR
ON IMR.uf =
ORDER BY qtdCotacoes DESC;
  • I understood your construction, but I still got the same result. States that have no quotation continue not appearing.

  • It’s because of the conditions in the Where clauses. You have to put: Where VAN.angebotid IS NULL OR (VAN.eingabeDatum between '2019-06-01' and GETDATE() AND gp.status = 30) ... There it will bring all the states that have no quotations.

  • maybe that’s it, I set the query and got no result. Is there a possibility to do a subquery? If so, how would it look?

  • I’ll make the appointment here and I’ll pass it on to you.

  • @Gabrielmalthaluiz made the query with the subquery. For each Region, will make a query to see if there are Quotations. I put in my answer.

  • None of the queries runs. I advise you to test your solutions on Fiddle provided by the OP

  • @Sorack true, sorry for my lack of attention. Now the queries are running. I created on a direct basis in Mysql.

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To get the desired result you must use in the clause FROM the table containing the main data, which in this case are the States. So change the order of your JOINs to get the rest of the data from it. It is important to use the LEFT to remove the requirement. No WHERE check the fields only if the id of the table in question is NULL, ensuring that even the State that has no related data is shown:

SELECT its_Region.uf,
       COUNT(vangebot.angebotid) AS qtdCotacoes
  FROM its_Region
  LEFT JOIN its_microRegion ON its_microRegion.uf =
  LEFT JOIN gadresse ON gadresse.postfachplz =
  LEFT JOIN vangebot ON gadresse.adresseid = vangebot.adressebestellerid
  LEFT JOIN gpartner ON vangebot.kundeid = gpartner.partnerid
 WHERE (vangebot.angebotid IS NULL OR vangebot.eingabeDatum BETWEEN '2016-01-01' and '2019-06-02')
   AND (gpartner.partnerid IS NULL OR gpartner.status = 30)
   AND COALESCE(gadresse.postfachPlz, '') <> ''
 GROUP BY its_Region.uf
 ORDER BY qtdCotacoes DESC

Which will result in:

| uf  | regionName        | qtdCotacoes |
| --- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| RJ  | Rio de Janeiro    | 1           |
| RS  | Rio Grande do Sul | 1           |
| MG  | Minas Gerais      | 1           |
| GO  | Goiás             | 0           |

See working on DB Fiddle.

  • It really works in fiddle, but when applying in my DB the result takes time because the tables have almost 20 thousand records. I’m not sure if that implies consultation or not. I added some more details that the query should provide, I believe we are getting there.

  • 1

    @Gabrielmalthaluiz but in the question you did not quote anything of performance but of assertiveness, which is completely covered by the answer.

  • I totally agree, I forgot this detail. What else can I tell you so that we can solve it? I can draw up a diagram entity relationship of the tables I mentioned.

  • 1

    @Gabrielmalthaluiz anything, is not part of the question. You can ask another question about performance.

  • Okay, thanks for the help.

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