Fill items from a Dropdownbutton with a Json value


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I have a field DropDownMenu and would like to fill in the Items of it with the values of my Json. I have this code:

String _mySelection;
List<Map> _myJson = [{"id":0,"name":"<New>"},{"id":1,"name":"Test Practice"}];`

That works in the DropDownMenu:

items: map) {
   return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(
      value: map["id"].toString(),
       child: new Text(

But what I wanted was instead of passing the Json mounted on _mySelection would pass the value returned from my class ResultLogin

static ResultLogin fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>  json) {

   List<ZLoginResultSchema> schemasList = [];

   for (var s in json['schemas']) {

My class ZLoginResultSchema where I assemble the list of schemas:

class ZLoginResultSchema  {
  final String name;
  final String fullname;

  ZLoginResultSchema({, this.fullname});

  ZLoginResultSchema.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json):
    name    = json['name'],
    fullname = json['fullname'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() =>
    'name': name,
    'fullname': fullname,

How can I take the value of schemaList class ResultLogin, and pass the Function _myJson of my Page?

1 answer


I don’t know if I fully understand what you’re up to, especially since I don’t understand what your _mySelection, if it is a function or what. But from what I understand you want to return the values of schemaList which is nothing more than a list of Map’s:

static List resultLogin fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>  json) {

   List<ZLoginResultSchema> schemasList = [];

   for (var s in json['schemas']) {
return schemasList;

A Map list of type will be returned ZLoginResultSchema. And you can get it normally from the list

  • _Myselection is only the variable that I will store the selected value, I was able to get the list values by directly passing the list class in the map. items: map) {&#xA; return new DropdownMenuItem<String>(&#xA; value:,&#xA; child: new Text(map.fullname),&#xA; );&#xA; }).toList()

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