Good evening, I am developing an application in which will be saved some photos, I can use the camera and everything works correctly, my doubt is: How to add more than one photo ?
Follows my code:
In the camera preview:
private _getPicture(source: number, callback): void {
if(this.platform.is('cordova')) {
this.platform.ready().then(() =>{
try {
//definidno as opções e configurações da foto
let options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 70,
//DATA_URL é a imagem convertida em base64, vai devolver em base64 pra gente
destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
//definindo da onde vai vir, aqui se escolhe se irá vir da câmera, galeria, etc.
sourceType: source,
//se permite a pessoa editar a foto depois de tirar
allowEdit: true,
//como a imgem será salva
encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
//escolher se a foto vai ser salva na galeria do celular
saveToPhotoAlbum: false,
//defenir a orientação correta
correctOrientation: true
//ajustando a imagem, e no final ${}=> vai o que será o resultado da captura
let base64Image = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${imgData}`
}, err =>{
console.log('Problema ao capturar a foto', err)
} catch (error) {
console.log('problema ao tirar a foto', error)
}else {
alert('Disponibilidade disponível somente no device');
//criando método para pegar a foto da galeria
public getPictureFromGalery(callback): void{
this._getPicture(this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY, photo =>{
//pegando a foto escolhida
//criando um método para tirar a foto
public takePicture(callback): void {
this._getPicture(this.camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, photo =>{
//pegando a foto tirada
On the screen ts where I choose the photo:
getPictureOptions(): void {
//actionSheet serve para aparecer as opções, se a foto será escolhida na galeria ou tirada na hora.
let actionSheet = this.actionSheetCtrl.create({
title: 'Adicionar foto',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Tirar foto', handler: () => {
//escolhendo a opção de tirar foto no cameraprovider que foi criado, e assumindo o valor da photo para o projeto.foto
this.cameraSrvc.takePicture(photo =>{
this.projeto.foto = photo;
icon: this.platform.is('ios') ? null : 'camera' },
//------------------------ Opção pegar da galeria ------------
{ text: 'Pegar galeria', handler: () =>{
this.cameraSrvc.getPictureFromGalery(photo =>{
this.projeto.foto = photo;
}, icon: this.platform.is('ios') ? null : 'images'},
//o role 'destructive' deixa o botao vermelho
{text: 'Cancelar', role: 'destructive',
icon: this.platform.is('ios') ? null : 'close'
,handler: () => {
//cancela a ação
}, }
Where the photo will be displayed:
<ion-item text-center>
<button ion-button clear (click)="getPictureOptions()"><ion-icon name="camera" item-left></ion-icon> Selecionar Foto</button>
<ion-item *ngIf="projeto.foto">
<img [src]="projeto.foto">
Gesiel my question is how to add one by one even, you know ? i created 2 photo fields, but when I take a photo the same is added in both fields
– Israel Goomes
It is that you are always putting the photos in the same variable "this.projecto.foto = photo;". If you want multiple photos, you have to have an array of photos. Then "this.projecto.foto" has to be an array, not a string. When you receive the new photo, you make a "this.projecto.foto.push(photo)". And in HTML you will have to do a FOR to display all the images in the array. If you want an example, you have this: https://www.9lessons.info/2017/04/ionic2-angular2-camera-native-multiple.html
– Gesiel Rosa
this.projecto.foto comes from the bank, where photo is a capo from there, how do I turn this field into an array ?
– Israel Goomes
Guy even consgui, but gave a very big payload error 'Payload Too Large'
– Israel Goomes
Problem solved, thanks Gesiel!
– Israel Goomes