Compute square root with input from typed text


Viewed 265 times


I’m not getting the calculator to take the root of a number that the user types. The most I got was what is in the code, but regardless of the screen value, it only returns the root value of 2 (1,412...) or root of any pre-defined value in the code. I want the program to take the root of the value on the screen.

private void buttonRaiz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double label1 = 2;          

        double resutado = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sqrt(label1));

        Tela.Text = resutado.ToString();


Tela.Text is the name of the calculator screen. label1.Text is the name of a label that I use on the calculator screen to store the numbers. I can only put label1, if by label1.Text error of variable types.

1 answer


You first need to convert and then apply the operation to the number. But in the way you’re doing it you can still break the application if something goes wrong:

private void buttonRaiz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
    if (!double.TryParse(label1, out var valor) //faz alguma coisa aqui para indicar erro
    Tela.Text = Math.Sqrt(valor).ToString();

I put in the Github for future reference.

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