Listing an array within an angular JSON


Viewed 579 times


Good morning gentlemen, I am using the IGDB (Games) api for the realization of an angular site 7(typescript), in it when receiving a JSON I receive only the gender ID, but if in the call contextualize I can receive within the json, the id and the name (within a secondary array), would like to print on the profile screen that I am creating all the generos within the secondary array, or if there is no "Unfilled" in the case of the bottom print, I tried to perform only one test by taking the first position of the vector, it prints, but when there is nothing it error in the rest of the screen.


        <p><img src="{{game.cover.image_id}}.jpg">
            <br><br><strong>Desenvolvedora:</strong> {{game.involved_companies[0]}}
            <br><br><strong>Engine:</strong> {{game.game_engines[0].name}}
            <br><br><strong>Gêneros:</strong> {{game.genres[0].name}}

Service :

getGameById(id: string): Observable<Game[]> {

return<Game[]>(`${FACELIST_API}` + '/games',`fields *,; where id = (${id});`, httpOptions);

And the component typescript.

export class GameprofileComponent implements OnInit {

  games: Game[]
  imgs: Cover[]

  constructor(private gammelistService: GammelistService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngOnInit() {
      list => {
        let containsCover = list.filter(function (elem, i, array) {
          return elem.cover !== undefined;
        }); = containsCover;


And the JSON

        "id": 81249,
        "cover": {
            "id": 67245,
            "image_id": "m5v5rte27ri2rj8i0e1j"
        "genres": [
                "id": 12,
                "name": "Role-playing (RPG)"
                "id": 31,
                "name": "Adventure"
  • try to put a *ngIf="game" then it will only show if you find something

1 answer


Try this way:

<div *ngIf="game">
<p><img src="{{game.cover.image_id}}.jpg">

<br><br><strong>Desenvolvedora:</strong> {{game.involved_companies[0]}}
<br><br><strong>Engine:</strong> {{game.game_engines[0].name}}

<ng-container *ngIf="game?.genres; else naoPreenchido">
    <div *ngFor="let genre of game.genres">

<ng-template #naoPreenchido>
    <br><br><strong>Gêneros:</strong> NÃO PREENCHIDO

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