Execute a Postgres command via ssh and bring the result to various or txt


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Friends, I have the difficulty of creating a script to perform an UPDATE in a database connecting via ssh being outside the server follows below my code.


ssh hostname 'psql -d database -U usuario --command="select host,name,phone_number,active from trunks where id = '22'"'


    host     |        name         | phone_number | active 
--------------+---------------------+--------------+--------| teste | 0000222      | t
(1 registro)*

Ok, for select but I’m having trouble treating the 'Quotes' to make a UPDATE or ALTERTABLE could help me how to treat quotes in the command follows the feedback I have.


ssh hostname 'psql -d database -U usuario --command="update trunks set active = 't'  where id = '22'"'


ERROR:  column "t" does not exist
LINHA 1: update trunks set active **= t**  where id = 22

It says the T column doesn’t exist but T is the parameter FALSE / TRUE even if I quote ' ' does not recognize could help me.

  • I intend to execute this command from within a variable today I can run pro select, but for update I have this problem that I mentioned. result=$(ssh hostname '"(psql -d database -U usuario -A -t --command="select host,name,phone_number,active from trunks where id = '$LINHA';""');

  • As you use ' to delimit your psql command then duplicate the internal ' : ssh hostname 'psql -d database -U user --command="update Trunks set active = '’t'' Where id = ''22''"', two ' and not one ".

  • put duplicate but now returns error sitaxe ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" LINE 1: update Trunks set active = t Where id = ;

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