Grouping of values


Viewed 94 times


I have an application that generates the following results:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I would like to know how I can arrange the object in only 1 line, say have only one date, and within the date have the schedules, to have only 1 line for each date.

My object is created as follows:

namespace HBSIS.Models.WeatherViewModels
public class WeatherForecast
    public ResponseList[] list { get; set; }
    public ResponseCity city { get; set; }


public class ResponseCity
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string country { get; set; }

public class ResponseList
    public DateTime dt_txt { get; set; }
    public Main main { get; set; }

public class Main
    public string Temperature { get; set; }

With the following json:

"cod": "200",
"message": 0.0066,
"cnt": 40,
"list": [
        "dt": 1560556800,
        "main": {
            "temp": 26.69,
            "temp_min": 26.69,
            "temp_max": 26.69,
            "pressure": 1012.35,
            "sea_level": 1012.35,
            "grnd_level": 782.51,
            "humidity": 19,
            "temp_kf": 0
        "weather": [
                "id": 802,
                "main": "Clouds",
                "description": "nuvens dispersas",
                "icon": "03n"
        "clouds": {
            "all": 44
        "wind": {
            "speed": 0.55,
            "deg": 307.139
        "sys": {
            "pod": "n"
        "dt_txt": "2019-06-15 00:00:00"
        "dt": 1560567600,
        "main": {
            "temp": 16.48,
            "temp_min": 16.48,
            "temp_max": 16.48,
            "pressure": 1016.15,
            "sea_level": 1016.15,
            "grnd_level": 785.76,
            "humidity": 62,
            "temp_kf": 0
        "weather": [
                "id": 804,
                "main": "Clouds",
                "description": "nublado",
                "icon": "04n"
        "clouds": {
            "all": 100
        "wind": {
            "speed": 4.65,
            "deg": 297.502
        "sys": {
            "pod": "n"
        "dt_txt": "2019-06-15 03:00:00"
        "dt": 1560578400,
        "main": {
            "temp": 17.43,
            "temp_min": 17.43,
            "temp_max": 17.43,
            "pressure": 1015.73,
            "sea_level": 1015.73,
            "grnd_level": 784.88,
            "humidity": 52,
            "temp_kf": 0
        "weather": [
                "id": 804,
                "main": "Clouds",
                "description": "nublado",
                "icon": "04n"
        "clouds": {
            "all": 100
        "wind": {
            "speed": 0.84,
            "deg": 229.68
        "sys": {
            "pod": "n"
        "dt_txt": "2019-06-15 06:00:00"

And here’s how I’m getting it today:

public async Task<WeatherForecast> GetCityWeatherAsync(string city)
        string _apiKey = _configuration["API_Access_Weather:AccessKey"];

        string _urlBase = _configuration["API_Access_Weather:UrlBase"];

            using (var standings = new HttpClient())
                var path = _urlBase + "q=" + city + "&units=metric&lang=pt&APPID=" + _apiKey;

                standings.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                HttpResponseMessage respToken = await standings.GetAsync(path);

                WeatherForecast _weatherForecast = new WeatherForecast();

                if (respToken.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    string content = respToken.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

                    _weatherForecast = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WeatherForecast>(content);
                    Console.WriteLine(respToken.StatusCode.ToString() + " - " + respToken.ReasonPhrase);

                return _weatherForecast;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new ApplicationException($"Algo deu errado ao tentar buscar o clima da cidade :'{city}' e a exceção foi lançada: '{ex}' ");

Through this object I would like to create a new +- in this way:

2019-06-15 {
00: 19
03: 18
06: 15
09: 22

I was told to do a DTO, but I don’t know how I can do it, I’ve even tried with LINQ, but I don’t know how to group the values I receive from the array, described above.

What I’ve been able to do so far is group a part, but not exactly how I want it:

var retorno = _weatherForecast.list
                                  .GroupBy(y => y.dt_txt.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy"))
                                  .Select(x => new
                                      date = x.FirstOrDefault().dt_txt.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy"),
                                      hour = x.Select(y => y.dt_txt.Hour).ToList(),
                                      temp = x.Select(y => y.main.Temperature).ToList()
  • show how you tried to generate the expected result

  • @Leandro Angelo, you’re talking about the table ? I managed it wrong ?

  • Ever tried to make a DTO for this endpoint?

  • That’s what I’m trying to do, buddy

1 answer


It’s a bit complex to understand your business itself, but what you want is to make a return with cross-reference of information.

For this you must have a model that adapts to this idea, for example:

 public class ConsultaTempoModel()
     public DateTime Data { get; set; }
     public List<int, double> TemperaturaPorHora {get; set;} //----- Considerando aqui que a hora é um inteiro e a temperatura é um double

The question now is to fill out a list of this template List<ConsultaTempoModel>.

Once completed you can assemble a construction that displays it on the screen.

Since this is a specific case, I don’t know if I was able to help you in any way, I hope so. I hug

  • I believe what he wants to do is a groupby through Data, no?

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