Problem with ng-click + Angularjs menu


Viewed 535 times


I have a menu that is filled in dynamically:

<div ng-controller="menuDinamicoController as vm">
  <div ng-show="isAutenticado">
    <img src="{{vm.fotoUser}}" id="imagemUsuario" width="50px" />
    <label id="nomeUsuario" ng-model="nomeUser">{{vm.nomeUser}}</label>
    <div id="menu">
            <li ng-repeat="x in menu">
                <a href="{{x.Link}}" ng-click="vm.{{x.Id}}()">{{x.Nome}}</a>

The link structure is being returned correctly:

<a href="#" ng-click="vm.sair()" class="ng-binding">Sair</a>

In my controller I have the following function:

vm.sair = function () {

However, ng-click is not calling the function. And the following error occurs: Syntax Error: Token 'x.Id' is at column {2} of the Expression [{3}] Starting at [{4}].

  • I don’t know if this is possible because ng-click does not wait for the keys (ng-click="vm.{{x.Id}}()") that it used to fill the Id, then it gets confused when executing the function call. I’ll run some tests here, if I get something I’ll let you know.

1 answer


One way that can work is this:

<li ng-repeat="x in menu">
    <a href="{{x.Link}}" ng-click="vm.runFunction(x.Id)">{{x.Nome}}</a>

In your controller (example in coffee script, you can convert to javascript if you want):

runFunction: (id)->
    if 'sair' == id

I do not know if it is very gambiarra to do this but I used in a specific case here and it worked right.

Take a look at this link also. If you use this logic in ng-repeat instead of select I believe it also works.

  • That way it worked. I tested another way, using only ng-click="vmx Id." and I got the same result. Thank you !

  • When the answer solves your problem, click accept the answer please facilitate viewing the solution of the problem for those who need it, thank you very much.

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