Once Weka has been trained, using J48 for classification, e.g., how from there (steps to be taken), to apply the trained model on new input data, so that the classes of these inputs are generated by the trained system/model?
@relation sentido % xx atributos
@attribute sentar {sim, não}
@attribute sentado {sim, não}
@attribute carro {sim, não}
@attribute bicicleta {sim, não}
@attribute avião {sim, não}
@attribute barco {sim, não}
@attribute assento {sim, não} % classe
Given, e.g., this new entry, need q the system to inform the class to which it belongs:
I saw here that WEKA is a technology. Disregard my previous comment.
– Oralista de Sistemas
You must save the trained model. When you want to use again, just load the same.
– Rodrigo Silva