Javascript Datepicker calendar displaying wrong year


Viewed 51 times


I am working with Django and using a datepicker to select the date in a form field:

<h3>Data de recebimento</h3>
        {{ form.creation_date }}

    $(function () {

In the creation form, when clicking appears the calendar in the current month and the date is saved correctly, but when I edit a form, when clicking on the date field the calendar displays the year 1911:

Imagem do calendário exibindo o ano de 1911

Is it possible to set the default month to be displayed? The strange thing is that when the field is empty it is already done.

Note: in Django the ids are automatically generated with the name of the field with "id_" in front, so the field creation_dateis referred to as id_creation_dateand this apparently has nothing to do with the problem.

 <!-- Datepicker -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-b88RdwbRJEzRx95nCuuva+hO5ExvXXnpX+78h8DjyOE=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
   <script src="" integrity="sha256-/7FLTdzP6CfC1VBAj/rsp3Rinuuu9leMRGd354hvk0k=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  • 2

    Before displaying in the view, you need to convert the server date to the desired format.

  • I have to convert the date that was saved to the creation form so that the datepicker shows the correct month?

  • Yes, you can do this directly with the query in the database or on the server before returning the date to the client.

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