Access DLL’s using Javascript in Google Chrome browser


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How to access DLL’s using Javascript in a Google Chrome browser? I know that in IE is used Activex, it would look similar?

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1 answer


Luckily there isn’t, this has always been a huge security problem. There was one thing called Nacl, but luckily it was discontinued. There are other gambiarras who invented, but it is to look for problem and not solution.

There is Webassembly, so if you have the fonts and you know how to move, this way you can run the same code in the browser, with a lot of restrictions (same as what Javascript has), and so you can’t do a lot of things that potentially a DLL code could, and there’s a good chance the code won’t work. Anyway it seems like wrong use a lot of the time, it may be something curious, but if the code was not made specifically for that should not be used (with rare exceptions).

One of the things that some people don’t understand is that the web is for doing one-off things, not for making complete applications (yes, there are a lot of people doing it, but that doesn’t mean it’s right). When you need to access resources that are not typical of the web is a strong indicative that should not make web, there is a general stubbornness regarding this and we can probably say that is the new "terraplanism" (there is no basis for it, they do not understand the subject, so just follow what they saw random people on the Internet or other means doing).

Terra plana

  • Got it. So a solution would be to change the environment? (Instead of developing in web do in desktop solutions)

  • 1

    I can not state your case, I do not know you, but if this DLL is fundamental is a clear sign that web is not the way. Of course there may be another solution, but only knowing the problem well can you decide.

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