I cannot add element to DOM through an anonymous function in JS


Viewed 87 times


I created a table via javascript by manipulating elements of an array, which is all right, but I can only add the table in the DOM by a common function or an anonymous Jquery function, but when the anonymous function is javascript, it cannot add the table to the DOM...

done with anonymous function js (does not work):

    const alunos = [
        { nome: 'Ana', nota: 9.1 },
        { nome: 'Bianca', nota: 8.4 },
        { nome: 'Carlos', nota: 7.6 },
        { nome: 'Julia', nota: 9.7 }
    const linhas = alunos.map(aluno => {
        const tdNome = `<td>${aluno.nome}</td>`
        const tdNota = `<td>${aluno.nota}</td>`
        return '<tr>' + tdNome + tdNota + '</tr>'
    const tabela = linhas.reduce((tabela, elemendo) => tabela + elemendo ,'')
    document.getElementById('conteudo').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<table>${tabela}</table>`)

done with common function in js (works):

 function criarTabela(){
        const alunos = [
            { nome: 'Ana', nota: 9.1 },
            { nome: 'Bianca', nota: 8.4 },
            { nome: 'Carlos', nota: 7.6 },
            { nome: 'Julia', nota: 9.7 }
        const linhas = alunos.map(aluno => {
            const tdNome = `<td>${aluno.nome}</td>`
            const tdNota = `<td>${aluno.nota}</td>`
            return '<tr>' + tdNome + tdNota + '</tr>'
        const tabela = linhas.reduce((tabela, elemendo) => tabela + elemendo ,'')
         document.getElementById('conteudo').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<table>${tabela}</table>`)</table>`)

done with anonymous Jquery function (works):

$(function (){
    const alunos = [
        { nome: 'Ana', nota: 9.1 },       
        { nome: 'Bianca', nota: 8.4 },  
        { nome: 'Carlos', nota: 7.6 },    
        { nome: 'Julia', nota: 9.7 }      
    const linhas = alunos.map(aluno => {          
        const tdNome = $('<td>').html(aluno.nome)
        const tdNota = $('<td>').html(aluno.nota)
        return $('<tr>').append(tdNome, tdNota) 

    const tabela = $('<table>').append(linhas)
        .css("border", "solid 5px")

html has nothing special, just a div with an ID:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
    <title>tabelo feita de um objeto</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/estilo.css'>
    <script src='js/jquery.js'></script>

<body class='conteudo exercicio'>
    <h1>criando tabela</h1>
    <div id='conteudo'></div>
  • 1

    This is just a syntax error. You are declaring the function but you are not invoking it. Add a couple of parentheses at the end of the statement, it should stay that way: (function() { /* ... */ })()

  • that’s right, I was confusing the syntax of Jquery with that of JS. thank you!

  • 1

    I think the function is simply not to be called, use () to call it and then the Brackets.

  • yes, that’s exactly it, I confused the syntax of jquery with that of js. thanks :D

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